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I love all my fitness buddies and I must thank them all for helping me to achieve the perpetual cup! It is a huge honour and if we didn’t all work together none of us would achieve what we do under Adrian’s guidance. Was a great end to the year.

Leah F, December 2014

Thanks Adrian. I’m really happy with the result.

Considering I pretty much thought these types of challenges were well behind me before I came out to your sessions I’m eternally grateful you have helped me discover there’s plenty that can still be achieved.

See you on the track when I get the feelings back in my legs.

Steve K

(after completing the Melbourne Marathon Oct 2012)

You have a true talent in making people want to work harder for not only themselves, but for you and for the team. I have been recommending fitness@flagstaff to anyone who will listen that is local!

I never thought I would be the kind of person that enjoyed working out, but you have turned me into one!

Julie Davis, June 2010

Since joining I am much healthier and also happier. People at work can tell when I have missed a training session as I‘m not myself. Adrian is fantastic and Jarrad is also great.

Anonymous, 2010 Customer Survey

Loved Saturday’s session, even though it was a killer! 
We gave Bree a hard time for missing it when we got home……..

Trina James, November 2009

Fitness never looked so good!

At fitness@flagstaff we are all doing ourselves a huge favour every time we stride out onto the track.

Every cardio set, every lunge, every push up is doing us good in a multitude of ways, both physically and mentally.

Sam was having a clean out recently and came across this photo of herself at a wedding in April 2009. Sam had already been in training for 3 months.

The “after” photo was taken 8 months later in Dec 2009 at the fitness Xmas party.

According to Sam, a young mother and ambulance officer, she hasn’t lost a lot of weight. Less than 1kg a month - only 7kgs in total.

It just goes to show, that when you’re fit & healthy, the scales don’t matter so much. It’s no accident that Sam is the first to reach 200 sessions. Her push ups rival any-one, she has developed great core strength and is still improving with cardio sets. So while she might not be in contention for the biggest loser, I reckon she is onto a winner!

 Sam Bradley, Newsletter 4, Summer 2010

Blazing Trails in 25 hour ultra marathon

...2 days post 100km Trailblazer event on the 8th/9th October 2011 and I feel the need to put credit where credit is due.  fitness@flagstaff has played a huge part in how successful this challenge was for me. 

I have always known I was determined, but your sessions brought out a mental toughness in me that I never realised I had.  You provide the sessions and allow us to push ourselves to find our limits … should we choose to.  We are never told how far you think we can push it, the extent of finding our limit is left in our own hands and that, for me, is the best part about F@F. 

I can honestly and proudly say that during that 100km, I never found my limit.  I don’t know why I didn’t, I don’t know how I didn’t … but  I do know that I don’t plan on trying to find it anytime soon, coz it wouldn’t be a pretty meeting I assure you. 

That 100km Trailblazer was the hardest and most fantastic thing I have ever done in my life.  Not once did I ever think it was too hard and not once did I ever feel overwhelmed and not once did I want to quit.  I was pushed on by my mental abilities that I didn’t even know I had and just kept going.   My knees are swollen and I feel like I’ve done 10 sessions back to back, but other than that, my body has survived as I knew it would and my recovery is a testament to that.


It was simply the right time and place for me to challenge myself and it will be my defining moment forever.  I feel like I can take anything on that I set my mind to and F@F is a major contributing factor to that mindset.


And Adrian, if there is anyone, who just blew me away with steely determination and strength beyond anyone’s limits, it was Darren.  He was a driven man and I was inspired by him to keep going.  What an asset he is to your F@F team.


Nikki Moore

(Member since Feb 2011)


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